The Light of Chanukkah
Chanukkah is finally here. This time of year brings so much light and joy for each Jew's life. Jews around the world cherish this holiday so dearly. However it is more special in Jerusalem-the location where the miraculous Chanukkah story began. As you walk around the city, it is really exciting to see the menorah lightings in every Jewish home's window, the variety of delicious doughnuts, the beautiful big menurahs of Chabad towering over every neighbourhood, and the children playing with dreidels. Moreover, the many tourists who gather in the holy land at this time of the year, make you feel proud to be a jew. I love Chanukkah. As a teacher, I wait for this holiday to arrive, and I am sure that other teachers feel the same. Chanukka is a big holiday for teachers because it gives us eight days of vacation after two months of hard work. We work endless hours that involve parent-teacher conferences, staff meetings, special occasions at sch...